The following are frequently asked questions. Click on a question of interest to see the answer.
If you have a question that you feel might be of general interest, please submit it via e-mail to
Do I need approval to have some work done on my house or property? Are there rules regarding construction, cutting down trees, etc.?
Before starting a home or yard improvement project, please remember to contact the Environmental Management Office for information on items that may require prior EMO approval. Anything that you do to the exterior of your house, i.e., painting, decks, cutting down trees, major construction, etc., needs to be approved by the EMO. This applies also to lakefront property owners who may be making repairs to, or possibly constructing, docks, boat lifts, seawalls, beaches, and their shoreline when the Lake is lowered. It is also important to remember that common backyard items such as pools, decks, patio covers, garden enclosures, fences, any type of screening including propane tank screens which require fire safe materials, any type of enclosure for trash bins, etc., landscape projects, paint colors, car covers, pergolas, fences, additions, etc., require the submission of an improvement modification request before work begins. The EMO is not the only pair of eyes in the community. The Nevada County Code Enforcement is also checking on projects in Lake Wildwood, such as deck replacements, that may require county permits. Please contact the EMO prior to starting any project or improvement to the exterior of your home and property. We try to make it as simple as possible. In some cases, fees are associated with the improvement. (530) 432-0633.
Are fences allowed in Lake Wildwood?
Yes, on certain lots (not on lots that directly abut the Golf Course) and only with Environmental Management approval.
How do we get approval to remove trees?
Call EMO with: name and address of property owner requesting tree removal; type (if possible) and number of trees; location of tree on property i.e., front, rear, left, right; make sure tree/trees are well marked. The Environmental Management Office will then do an inspection of the requested tree/trees and send an approval/disapproval letter to the property owner.
Are we allowed to burn in Lake Wildwood?
Per Rule R-6.30.20: 2. Fire Safety and Prevention: To assure a compliance with State and County Rules and Regulations as to fire satiety and prevention, the following regulations shall apply: A. The Association shall support and assist in the enforcement of the State and County Rules and Regulations as to permits for burning and clearance around structures. B. The possession and use of fireworks within the Association boundaries shall be prohibited. C. The General Manager shall establish such Departmental Procedures as shall be necessary to assure compliance with the provisions of this capitol rule. 3. Open Burning. A. No open burning shall be permitted from the starting date of the fire hazard season, as announced by the Environmental Management Office (generally around July 1), until the close of this season (generally mid/October). These dates shall be announced in an official Association publication or otherwise to the Owners by the EMO each year. B. Open burning during periods not in the fire hazard season shall be permitted in accordance with rules and regulations of the Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District and the California Department of Forestry, except that there shall be a prohibition of burning of leaves, pine needles and grass clippings. The Owners shall be responsible for assuring that smoke from the open burning is kept to a minimum and does not become a nuisance to neighbors. C. The Association shall each year establish a program to collect and dispose of leaves, pine needles and grass clippings during the period outside the fire hazard season.
How are violations of the Governing Policies, Procedures, and Rules handled?
When a violation is discovered, either through routine inspections or member concerns, a Notice of Violation is issued. In this letter the homeowner is given a compliance date which is determined by the nature of the violation. If the homeowner is not in compliance by the specified date, he/she will go into citation. Once in citation, the homeowner is given an opportunity to be heard at a board hearing and may face possible fines.
If I’m painting my house the same color do I need to get the color approved?
Yes, even if you are painting your house the same color, please bring your color chip samples into the Environmental Management Office for approval. We have updated our Color Binder to include many new colors. This also includes any type of trim, garage doors, entry doors, and any type of accent color on your house.
My neighbor is feeding the wildlife, what can I do?
Feeding wildlife is against the law per California Code of Regulations (CCR) Title 14, section 251.1. You can call California Fish and Wildlife at 1-888-334-2258 to report the feeding of wildlife.
I have bees on my property what can I do?
If you have honey bees, one local person you can call for removal is Frazier Jeffery at (530) 913-9021. If they are not honey bees and you wish to get rid of them, call an exterminator for advice.
Is Solar allowed in Lake Wildwood?
Yes, solar panels must be flush mounted to the roof. Email the plans and permit for solar to and a copy will be put in your lot file.
Who is responsible for the roads and culverts within the community?
The Public Works Department is responsible for all roads and culverts within the community. They can be reached at (530) 432-1170. Culverts under the driveway aprons are the responsibility of the home owners. Culverts under the streets are the responsibility of the Association, unless it is a private road or loop. On Private Roads and Loop, the culverts are the responsibility of the individual homeowners who live on the private road.
Can I move my mailbox?
Per RULE R- and the USPS, the guidelines are as follows: The location and height of mail receptacles must conform with Postal Service regulations. If the USPS has given you a notice that you are not in compliance with their Standards, it is the homeowner’s responsibility to make the necessary repairs or adjustments.
Is yard waste burning allowed?
Note: The Association Office will sent out notices on the status of the Burn Ban.
Procedural Information for Burning:
- Burn only on a permissive burn day. To find out if it is a permissive burn day, call Nevada County Air Quality at (530) 274-7928
- Obtain a burn permit when required from the Penn Valley Fire Dept. (530-432-2630).
- Do not burn illegal materials, such as: construction debris, household waste, including paper, cardboard and plastic is prohibited. Using a burn barrel is prohibited.
- Avoid causing a smoke nuisance to neighbors. Burning of leaves, pine needles, and grass clippings is not allowed.
- Alternative to burning — Chipping Program thru Fire Safe Council (530-272-1122).
Excerpt from - Rule R-6.30.20.
2. Fire Safety and Prevention: To assure a compliance with State and County Rules and Regulations as to fire satiety and prevention, the following regulations shall apply:
A. The Association shall support and assist in the enforcement of the State and County Rules and Regulations as to permits for burning and clearance around structures.
B. The possession and use of fireworks within the Association boundaries shall be prohibited.
C. The General Manager shall establish such Departmental Procedures as shall be necessary to assure compliance with the provisions of this capitol rule.
3. Open Burning
A. No open burning shall be permitted from the starting date of the fire hazard season, as announced by the Environmental Management Office (generally around July 1), until the close of this season (generally mid/October). These dates shall be announced in an official Association publication or otherwise to the Owners by the EMO each year.
B. Open burning during periods not in the fire hazard season shall be permitted in accordance with rules and regulations of the Northern Sierra Air Quality Management District and the California Department of Forestry, except that there shall be a prohibition of burning of leaves, pine needles and grass clippings. The Owners shall be responsible for assuring that smoke from the open burning is kept to a minimum and does not become a nuisance to neighbors.
C. The Association shall each year establish a program to collect and dispose of leaves, pine needles and grass clippings during the period outside the fire hazard season.